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Home 9 Privacy Policy 9 Job Applicant Data Protection Information Notice

Job Applicant Data Protection Information Notice



From time to time, the Job Applicants will provide personal data to UAB “Biomapas” (registered office at K. Donelaicio str. 60, Kaunas, Lithuania, legal entity code 135750888, (hereinafter referred to as “Biomapas”). This Notice also applies to (to the extent applicable) to Job Applicant data processing applying to Biomapas group affiliate company (together with Biomapas referred to as the “Biomapas Group”). Biomapas will collect, process and use personal data relating to the Job Applicant as defined below.

The purpose of this Job Applicant Data Protection Information Notice is to inform job applicants about the processing and the transfers of their personal data within and outside Biomapas (and the Biomapas Group), and is without prejudice to applicable local data protection/privacy laws which prevail on this Notice. This Notice describes how and for what purposes personal data relating to the Job Applicant will be processed in the context of the Biomapas Group. It supplements – but does not replace and is without prejudice to – any specific local notices, policies or procedures that have been distributed to or agreed on by the Job Applicant, if any, or that may be implemented in the future.

This Notice supplements global and local data protection policies of Biomapas (and/or Biomapas Group), which set out the principles that apply to the use of personal data throughout Biomapas. The policies and this Notice refer to all processing of Job Applicant’s personal information. The lists and examples below are non-exhaustive and may not be fully representative for every individual within Biomapas Group. This Notice may be supplemented by additional notices, policies or guidance (hereinafter – “Additional Policies“). Wherever such Additional Policies are in any respect inconsistent with this Notice, this Notice shall only apply to the extent that it is consistent, or may be made consistent, with that Additional Policy.

The Data Protection Officer. The Data Protection Officer contacts: email: address: UAB “Biomapas”, K. Donelaicio str. 60, Kaunas, Lithuania. Any queries in relation to Job Applicant’s personal data or if the Job Applicant would like to enforce any of the below rights shall be addressed to the Data Protection Officer via email following Section 9 of this Notice.



Biomapas (when applicable Biomapas Group company), as data controller, via automated means collects, processes and uses the following categories of personal data during the application for job and recruitment relationship:

  • personal identification data (such as name, title, citizenship, passport, visa, social security or equivalent number),
  • personal features (such as gender, birth date and place, language, marital status, driving license, mandatory health check data),
  • contact details (such as address, phone and fax numbers, e-mail address, both home and work etc.),
  • electronic identification details (such as IP-address, cookies, etc.),
  • details of your visits to Biomapas’ or its recruitment partners’ websites (such as, traffic data, location data, weblogs and other communication data, the site that referred you and the resources that you access),
  • job organizational data for application purposes (such as information on free position (for which the Job Applicant applies) number, organization number, job title and code, manager, employee type, work location and code, division, department, position level),
  • financial data (such offered by Biomapas and desired by the Job Applicant as hourly rate, monthly rate, annual rate, base amount, change date, change percentage),
  • education and work history data (such as work experience history, education history and accomplishments, data included the documents confirming education, such diploma, certificates, etc.),
  • contract data (such as contract type, hire date, end date, reason for termination),
  • compensation information (such as amount, currency, number of payments per year),
  • bonus and incentive information (such as details of applicable bonus and incentive plans),
  • benefits information (such as car allowance, contributions to health insurance, pension contributions),
  • performance data (such as performance reviews, evaluation and ratings, data on performance of functions according to the recommendations/reviews of the previous employers),
  • career management data (such as assignment, training and assessment),
  • talent management information (such as talent grading for potential management position, personnel goals, mobility preferences, career goals, personal development),
  • training information (such as training courses performed and grades obtained, registration data),
  • any other data included in the CV or motivation letter voluntary upon discretion of the Job Applicant,
  • job interview data,
  • communication via social networks (e.g., LinkedIn) and via email,
  • any other data, shared by a third party, who recommends a candidate for a specific job opening or for Biomapas Group business generally,

(all listed data together – “Job Applicant Data”).

In limited situations Job Applicant Data may also include, to the extent applicable, to the extent permitted by applicable law, sensitive information such as health-related data (e.g., mandatory health check data and documents confirming this fact), trade union membership and judicial data.

Biomapas may get Job Applicant Data from the Job Applicant directly, colleagues, including direct manager of the Job Applicant at previous workplaces (e.g., review, recommendations, performance evaluation data) as well as other third parties. When Job Applicant provides contact information of previous employers, direct managers or other third parties to Biomapas or Biomapas Group in order to gather references, Job Applicant agrees and confirms that referents are informed that their Personal Data will be handled according to this Notice. Job Applicant confirms that only information of referents, who agreed to provide references and were informed about their Personal Data processing, would be provided.

Terms and conditions for data processing. Personal data may be collected, stored, maintained including transferred, both digitally and in a material medium, by any means such as email and internet connection which were selected considering the nature of the data processed, ensure safe handling and prevent unauthorised access to Job Applicant Data as defined by this Notice or Additional Policies.



Biomapas uses Job Applicant Data (to the extent required) for the following purposes: application, selection and recruitment procedures for vacancies at any Biomapas Group company, including Biomapas; workforce planning.

Certain Job Applicant Data may be also processed for particular purposes (e.g., current employer’s reference; storage of Job Applicant data in the database for future reference) subject to Job Applicant consent which you will be able to give in by answering email request as described in the form below.

Legal basis for Job Applicant Data processing. Biomapas will process Job Applicant Data, reasonably necessary for compliance with a legal obligation to which Biomapas is subject (for example, within the field of conclusion of the employment contracts with selected applicants, mandatory health check requirements, etc.); to prepare for the conclusion of the employment agreement (or any other Biomapas Group company); and, in some instances, upon receipt of Job Applicant’s consent.

The collection of the Job Applicant Data by Biomapas might be mandatory and if it is not provided, Biomapas will be unable to satisfy its legal obligations or perform its role as (potential) employer. Where the collection of any Job Applicant Data is not mandatory, Biomapas will inform the Job Applicant of this prior to collection, as well as the implications of failing to provide Job Applicant Data.

Automated decision making / profiling. Biomapas Group may utilize third-party technology to identify suitable candidates based on criteria explicitly outlined by Biomapas Group or considered standard for the specific role the Job Applicant has applied for. In such instances, the candidate selection process will be automated; however, the final decision regarding the employment of candidates for open positions will be made by Biomapas Group staff.



Since Biomapas engages in selecting candidates for Biomapas Group companies, Biomapas may transfer Job Applicant Data to respective Biomapas Group company residing in the European Economic Area (“EEA”) and outside EEA. Only a limited number of individuals within Biomapas Group companies’ human resources, legal, finance, information technology or service line departments as well as certain managers (i.e., only persons with assigned responsibility or managerial responsibility for the open vacancy) will receive access to following categories of Job Applicant Data, including personal identification data, contact details, job organizational data, financial expectations, education and work history data, compensation information, training information, other data.

Access will be provided on a need-to-know basis and for recruitment purpose only. Biomapas possesses HR database accessible by Biomapas and upon Biomapas decision to relevant companies of the Biomapas Group which contains Job Applicant Data (database processed subject to Job Applicant consent).

Biomapas and upon its request any company of Biomapas Group may engage third party service providers located within the EEA and the outside EEA (including in countries which do not adduce the same level of protection of personal data as in the EEA) for application, selection, recruitment procedures, or other human resources tasks, information technology support (e.g., software maintenance and data hosting, website administration). Biomapas (when applicable, any company of Biomapas Group) will (i) diligently choose such third-party service providers, and (ii) ensure that such third-party service providers adopt adequate technical and organizational security measures to safeguard the Job Applicant Data and use the Job Applicant Data only as instructed by Biomapas and appropriate company of Biomapas Group and for no other purposes.

Where Job Applicant has applied for a job opening through the Indeed Apply functionality, and where the Job Applicant has consented to this disclosure, Biomapas Group will disclose to Indeed Ireland Operations Limited or its affiliates (“Indeed”) certain personal data that Biomapas Group holds, including but not limited to a unique identifier used by Indeed to identify the Job Applicant, and information about Job Applicant’s progress through Biomapas Group’s hiring process for the applicable job opening, as well as tangible, intangible, visual, electronic, present, or future information that Biomapas Group holds about the Job Applicant, such as Job Applicant’s name, contact details and other information involving analysis of data relating to Job Applicant as an applicant for employment (collectively “Disposition Data”). Indeed’s Privacy Notice in respect of Indeed’s use of the Disposition Data is available on Indeed’s website (

Where Job Applicant has applied to a job opening through another service provider, Biomapas Group may disclose data similar to the Disposition Data defined above to such service provider. The service provider shall be the data controller of this data and shall therefore be responsible for complying with all applicable law in respect of the use of that data following its transfer by Biomapas Group.

For recruitment purpose Biomapas may also need to make the Job Applicant Data available to the Biomapas Group company; vendors; professional advisors such as attorneys; potential or existing investors and acquirers; courts, law enforcement and/or regulatory authorities which may be located inside or outside the EEA, including in countries which do not adduce the same level of protection of personal data as in the EEA. Furthermore, Biomapas is authorized to disclose Job Applicant Data in case of inspections performed by competent regulatory authorities or client audits.

Biomapas will only carry out personal data transfers outside the EEA where Biomapas is confident that the level of protection applied to Job Applicant Data will be similar as if it had remained within the EEA. In such case where Job Applicant Data is transferred outside the EEA, Biomapas will apply proper protection measures (e.g., Biomapas will apply approved Standard Contractual Clauses in order to ensure that Job Applicant Data is adequately protected against unauthorized processing in such countries).



The Job Applicant Data will not be kept for longer than necessary for the purposes for which they were collected in accordance with applicable law.

For the purpose of performance of the application, selection and recruitment procedures, Biomapas will process Job Applicant Data during the relevant procedures until employment contract with selected Job Applicant is concluded (to the further processing of personal data Biomapas Employee Data Protection Notice will be applied) and after completion of the application, selection and recruitment procedures are safely deleted. Job Applicant Data processed by electronic means will be stored for 5 years after completion of application, selection and recruitment procedures in cases, where consent for Job Applicants Data storage and processing in Biomapas HR database described under 8.1 below is dully received, while personal data contained in employment documentation (for successful applicants) will be stored (archived) after termination for the term determined by legislation (e.g. employment contracts are stored for 50 years after the termination of employment).

For further information and exact storage terms for specific Job Applicant Data processing purposes, the Job Applicant should contact Biomapas Data Protection Officer.



Biomapas needs your consents to Job Applicant Data processing for the following purposes (see below):

6.1  Consent for enrolment into Biomapas HR database;

6.2 Consent for references from present Job Applicant’s employer.


6.1 Consent for processing of Job Applicant Data within Biomapas HR database

By submitting a CV or equivalent document to Biomapas or/and Biomapas Group, the Job Applicant consents to Biomapas or/and Biomapas Group retaining and processing Job Applicant’s CV data (photo, name, year of birth, working location of home based staff, education, experience, training, other skills and any other data voluntary included by the Job Applicant) as well as any other information collected and/or created during the application, selection and recruitment procedures (e.g. job interview information, reviews/recommendation from previous employers, present employer, remarks of recruitment specialists, communication with Job Applicant, etc.) in order to consider Job Applicants for other free work positions in any of Biomapas Group companies, including Biomapas, as well as potential work positions, which will be announced in the future, contact the Job Applicants in this regard as well as offer free positions. Job Applicant Data might be available within and might be processed in this HR database by any Biomapas Group companies operating in and outside the EEA (including countries not ensuring adequate protection of Job Applicant Data protection).

Job Applicant consents that Biomapas and any Biomapas Group company are entitled to store, receive, transfer (including to countries outside the EEA which do not ensure adequate data protection level) and process Job Applicant Data based on this consent for this purpose during the application, selection and recruitment procedures and for additional 5 years after completion of the application, selection and recruitment procedures for the particular free position (initially desired by Job Applicant or later offered by Biomapas; the term will be calculated from the completion of last recruitment procedure if the Job Applicant was considered for several free work positions) unless Job Applicant’s consent is revoked earlier. This consent for personal data processing of Job Applicant Data will be stored additionally for 1 year after expiry of the Job Applicant Data storage term mentioned. After expiry of the terms Job Applicant Data and consents will be safely destroyed.

Job Applicant Data is maintained in an electronic HR database operated by Biomapas or a Biomapas Group company. This database serves as a repository for Job Applicant Data, including information about the Job Applicant’s consent. Job Applicant Data may be processed and stored in digital form through various means, including email, internet, and third-party systems, potentially located outside the EEA. Job Applicant Data provided for this purpose may be also stored in paper form, in all the cases ensuring proper safety of Job Applicant Data processed.

The Job Applicant is aware that this consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without giving any reason, however this will have no effect to the processing performed before revocation of the consent. There will be no consequential harm or disadvantages if the Job Applicant does not agree to Job Applicant Data transfer to Biomapas Group as described in the consent. Also, the Job Applicant has right to review Job Applicant Data at any time and correct incomplete and inaccurate data.

Should the Job Applicant wish to receive more information regarding Job Applicant Data processing or implement other data subject’s rights, the Job Applicant contacts Biomapas Data Protection Officer via email: Check the information regarding Job Applicant’s rights as personal data subject (Section 9 of this Notice) prior contacting the Data Protection Officer.


In case the Job Applicant would like to exercise their right to withdraw their consent, they can do so by sending an email to  and stating “By sending this email, I withdraw my consent to personal data processing within the Biomapas HR database“. Additionally, in this email, the Job Applicant should indicate their name and surname.


6.2  Consent for Job Applicant Data collection from present Job Applicant’s employer

In addition, by sending an email as described below, the Job Applicant may consent to Biomapas or/and Biomapas Group contacting their current employer (i.e., the employer with whom the Job Applicant has a valid employment relationship) when applying for a free work position at any Biomapas Group company, including Biomapas. Biomapas or/and Biomapas Group may then collect and further process personal data related to the Job Applicant’s qualifications, professional skills, and qualities (as also described in Lithuanian Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data) from their current employer in order to consider them for a free work position during the application, selection, and recruitment procedures. The Job Applicant’s employer reference may be transferred from Biomapas to a Biomapas Group company (when the vacancy is in such a company) operating in or outside the EEA (including countries not ensuring adequate protection of the Job Applicant’s Data protection).

Job Applicant consents that Biomapas and any Biomapas Group company are entitled to store, transfer, receive and process Job Applicant Data received from present employer based on this consent during the application, selection and recruitment procedures and, in cases, where the consent under 6.1 is received, for additional 5 years after completion of the application, selection and recruitment procedures for the particular free position, unless Job Applicant’s consent is revoked earlier. This consent will be stored additionally for 1 year after expiry of the Job Applicant Data storage term mentioned. After expiry of the term Job Applicant Data and consents will be safely destroyed.

Job Applicant Data is maintained in an electronic HR database operated by Biomapas or a Biomapas Group company. This database serves as a repository for Job Applicant Data, including information about the Job Applicant’s consent. Job Applicant Data may be processed and stored in digital form through various means, including email, internet, and third-party systems, potentially located outside the EEA. Job Applicant Data provided for this purpose may be also stored in paper form, in all the cases ensuring proper safety of Job Applicant Data processed.

The Job Applicant is aware that this consent is voluntary and may be revoked at any time without giving any reason, however, this will have no effect to the processing performed before revocation of the consent. There will be no consequential harm or disadvantages if the Job Applicant does not agree to Job Applicant Data processing as described in the consent. Also, the Job Applicant has right to review Job Applicant Data at any time and correct incomplete and inaccurate data.

Should the Job Applicant wish to receive more information regarding Job Applicant Data processing or implement other data subject’s rights, the Job Applicant contacts Biomapas Data Protection Officer via email: Check the information regarding Job Applicant’s rights as personal data subject (Section 9 of this Notice) prior contacting the Data Protection Officer.


(Please send appropriate answer via email to

“BY SENDING THIS EMAIL I CONSENT to my personal data collection from my present employer and processing by BIOMAPAS”


“BY SENDING THIS EMAIL I CONSENT to my personal data collection from my present employer and processing by BIOMAPAS AND BIOMAPAS GROUP”


“BY SENDING THIS EMAIL I OBJECT to my personal data collection from my present employer and processing thereof”

Please indicate your name and surname by sending your consent or objection via email as described above.



The Job Applicant has a right to withdraw any of his/her consents for personal data processing (at any time, without affecting the lawfulness of processing before the consent given for data processing was withdrawn), to know (to be informed) about the processing of their personal data, to access personal data held about him/her or them and obtain a copy of their personal data, to have inaccurate data corrected or to have their personal data erased and to restrict or object processing of his/her or their personal data for legitimate reasons. The Job Applicant has the right to data portability and to lodge a complaint with the State Data Protection Inspectorate as well as other competent authority in the country of his/her residence.

To the extent that Biomapas and/ Biomapas Group uses automated decision making and/or profiling in the context of this Job Applicant Data Protection Information Notice, the Job Applicant has the right to understand the logic and significance of automated decision-making and profiling processes used by Biomapas or/and Biomapas Group. In the event of a disagreement with an automated decision, the Job Applicant has the right to request human intervention for a final determination.

For any questions related to personal data processing and protection, implementation of data subject’s rights as well as applied data protection measures, the Job Applicant may contact Biomapas Data Protection Officer of Biomapas Group via email:  




The Job Applicant Data Protection Information Notice was last updated on 29 November 2023.

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